sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2009

Incinta cu un difuzor de 100 dB

JERICHO Horn Speaker

Here is my HORN
It is self made with 19mm MDF.
The driver is a FOSTEX FE 208 SIGMA

Diameter of the Driver is 230 mm. The complete Horn has a efficency of 100 dB with 2,83 Volt input in 1 meter. The Driver has a Impedance of 8 Ohms so 2,83 Volts are exactly 1 Watt input power. The Dynamic is enormus. The plan was in the German Magazine " Klang und Ton" issue 2/96 and it is called the JERICHO HORN. I am very happy with the sound. So I have now a good speaker to test my single ended designs wich I plan to realize in the future. This is the FOSTEX FE 208 SIGMA driver

Specifications of the FE 208 Sigma Driver

Click on the picture to get the plan. Use your mouse right click to save it.
Partlist for the wood :
2 Sidewalls 1170x500 mm
1 Front 742x360 mm/21°
1 Back 1170x360 mm
1 Bottom 481x360 mm
1 Top 462x360 mm
Part 1 148x360 mm/35°/43°
Part 2 692x360 mm/45°/13°
Part 3 698x360 mm/6°/0°
Part 4 691x360 mm/0°/0°
Part 5 200x360 mm/21°/10°
Part 6 292x360 mm/25°/65°
Part 7 70x360 mm/45°/39°
Part 8 60x360mm/40°/40°
Part 9 95x360mm/45°/45°
The correction network. It is used to get a smoth freqency cure in the middle. This you can see in the frequency picture. Without the correction network you get the upper curve in the middle frequency's.
R2 and C2 are to smooth the impedance curve.
You don't need them if your amp is a transistor design
R2= 10 ... 33 Ohm, C2= 15 uF

L1=1,0mH - air coil, wire diameter 1,4mm or more
C1=2,2uF MKP or MKP-SN or better one
R1= 10 Ohm / 20 Watt Metall, I use 10 * 100 Ohm / 2Watt paralell

Frequency response of the Horn <>

Building Instructions

The only damping material in the Horn is about 50gr. wool just behind the driver. You can experiment with the amount of wool to get the bass respose you need for your room. 50gr. is in my opinion a good starting point. I got the best results with it.
Also a good idea is to double the back side and the side's of the mouth opening to get no coloration from "swinging" side and back wall's. See on the picture beside. This picture was send to me from someone who has build the horns. ( Sorry I forgot who it was, please give me a notice when you read this. )

There is nothing to say, look at the picture.

Literatur : The plan was in the German Magazine " Klang und Ton" issue 2/96 and it is called the JERICHO HORN.

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